What to Expect from the Changing Landscape of Trucking Insurance

Brokerage, Dedicated, Resource, Shippers, Webinar

A proposed increase in minimum coverage requirements for truckload carriers, continued nuclear verdicts in trucking accidents, skyrocketing insurance costs for motor carriers – you’ve seen the headlines. But how do these and other market factors affect different parts of the supply chain? What do they mean for insurance companies, shippers and truckload carriers?

During our most recent Delivering Ideas webinar, “What to Expect from the Changing Landscape of Trucking Insurance,” U.S. Xpress President & CEO Eric Fuller discussed it all with industry experts Mark Brockinton, CEO at Aon, and Andrew Ladebauche, CEO at Reliance Partners. Curious to see what they had to say? Just fill out the form below to watch the recording.


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